Mediteran 365 nastoji se usredotočiti na zdravstvene i turističke djelatnike Mediterana.
Ovo je drugi sajam izlagačkoga i kongresnoga tipa u Splitu 2019. godine. Izlagat će 40 izlagača iz Hrvatske i regije, 140  sudionika na kongresu i više od 2000 posjetitelja.
Broj uspješnih suradnji unutar različitih B2B je dosegao 100 poslovnih sastanaka.
Sudjelovanje više od 100 novinara je odaziv koji pokazuje važnost Mediterana 365 na događanjima u industriji zdravstvenog turizma i tendenciju rasta.

Prilikom donošenja odluka o Vašem prisustvu na sajmu, vrlo je važno definirati niz jasnih ciljeva koje Vaša tvrtka želi postići svojim sudjelovanjem na događaju.

  1. 1
    Marketing zdravstvenih i turističkih usluga

    Kako poboljšati poslovanje, stjecati nove klijente i višestruko povećati prihode, povećati zadovoljstvo kupaca u području zdravstvene i turističke usluge

  2. 2
    Zdrastveni turizam

    Kako koristiti pametne marketinške tehnologije u području zdravstvenog turizma

  3. 3
    Novi trendovi

    Kako biti globalno konkurentan u skladu s novim trendovima u marketingu zdravstvene zaštite i zdravstvenog turizma

  4. 4
    Tehnološke inovacije

    Novosti koje olakšavaju upravljanje i upravljanje klinikama, poliklinikom, smještajnim kapacitetima i rezervacijskim sustavima

  5. 5

    Poslovni slučajevi i praktični savjeti iz različitih dijelova svijeta, razmjena iskustava.

Tko će izlagati i posjetiti M 365 Expo?

Imex Banka

Srednja Dalmacija –

Turistička zajednica Splitsko-Dalmatinske Županije

Adriatic 4 you

Alexandria Professional

Grad Split

Kvantum tim

Acti Maris

Marvie Hotel & Health

Bgold Luxury Rooms

Mićunović Medical

Studio Gorica

Croata osiguranje


TZ Grada Splita


Erste banka


  1. 1
    Paata Ratiani



    Medical Tourism International Expert-Consultant, Author of the manual book in Medical Tourism Facilitation Business, Author of the Georgian TV series on the Interesting World Medical Tourism Destinations. Author of the several medical tourism global projects and products

    2008- present

    Founder and Director of medical tourism company “medtourgeorgia” and LTD. Ratianiconsulting


    Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, Head of International Relations department


    PFP PIMS (Partnership for Information Management Systems) program Georgian side consultant-manager and Regional Coordinator in Caucasus.


    State United Social Insurance Fund of Georgia, Head of department of International and Public Affairs


    NILC (National Information Learning Center)  medical informatics coordinator, Deputy Director (from 2002).


    Representative of Georgia at EHMA (European Health Management Association).


  2. 2
    Dr. Prem

    Ugledni svjetski strucnjak i opinion maker

  3. 3
    Igor Torskyy

    MD, MBA, spends a good portion of his time working as a surgeon. Also, he took leading positions in major international pharmaceutical corporations. A founder of EuroMd LTd, international medical on-line portal for patients, which specializes in medical tourism and healthcare services for providing the highest quality treatment for our patients with most reliable and affordable prices for patients.

    Presently, Igor Torskyy is the Founder and Vice President of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism, who responsible for coordinating all aspects inbound and outbound medical tourism development in Ukraine.  He has keynoted and moderated conferences on medical tourism and global healthcare in different events. UAMT is working with G2G, B2B, B2G & B2C.

    The experience of managing medical tourism business to create, develop and manage medical tourism business, define marketing, promotion, brand formation, PR  and sales strategies.

  4. 4
    Claudia Wagner

    Managing Director of FIT Reisen, Germany

    In 1982 Claudia Wagner started to work for the German tour operator FIT Reisen specialized in Health, Spa & Wellness as a graduate in business Management after studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Worms (Germany). With her knowledge and her long-standing experience, she developed new concepts focused on Healthy, Spa  & Wellbeing Holiday combined with attractive fitness, relaxation and leisure activities for a better quality of life. The guests shouldn’t just get healthy, they also should feel more comfortable. Today the FIT Reisen specialist provides 3000 different Spa, Health, Wellness, Beauty, Fitness, Ayurveda and Yoga offers in over  400 destinations in 45 countries. Traditional spa elements as thermal, fango, mud, bathing and drinking cures in the traditional spa resorts in countries like Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria and Italy are also highly demanded as Ayurveda and Yoga Retreats in Asia.

  5. 5
    Lutz Lungwitz

    President of German Medical Wellness Association

    Lutz Lungwitz , has been President of the German Medical Wellness Association (www.dmwv.de) and of the International Medical Wellness Association, both based in Berlin, since 2004.

    After high school graduation, training as a travel agent and studying at the university business administration in Berlin, Lungwitz has worked for many years as a CEO, manager and consultant in the private sector, as well as for federal organizations, like the German Sports federation, as member of the board. Later Lungwitz was in the industry working , as a commercial employee.

    A very long-term field work of Lungwitz, is the development and the management of hotel operations, health and wellness areas and the development of health, wellness and prevention programs. The development of operational procedures, the implementation of quality and operation standards, market and trade shows, internet and network platforms, Lungwitz has implemented in the recent years in selected projects. For quality assurance, Lungwitz and the DMWV are developed the Medical Wellness Standards, in and without cooperation with the TÜV Rhineland.
    A wide variety of tasks in Germany and abroad and the constant responsible employees or independent management of hotels and associations, among the establishing of the worlds registered marks: “The Leading Medical Wellness Hotels & Resorts” and “The Leading Medical Wellness Clinics & Spas” whose rights holders are Lungwitz.

    Lungwitz has a lot of experience in the hospitality industry in Germany, in Europe and in worldwide countries.

  6. 6
    Violetta Ianyshevska

    Occupation:   MD, MBA,Chairman & co-founder of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism – UAMT, Supervisor of the Global Healthcare Travel Council – GHTC.

    Short biography:   Violetta Ianyshevska, doctor hematologist , is a Chairman and co-founder of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism (UAMT).  Former Vice President and Current Member of the Global Healthcare Travel Council.

    2012-2016 – Chairman of the Commission for the Development of International Relations and Medical Tourism of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Since 2015 Member of the Working Group on the Development of Medical Tourism in Ukraine at the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Health Care. Previously graduated International Institute of Business, MBA.

    Mrs. Ianyshevska is a pioneer in Ukrainian medical tourism market and last years was dedicated to research, estimation and active development of medical tourism market of Ukraine.  Violetta Janyshevska is an international speaker at the largest international and Ukrainian congresses, forums, summits and conferences in the field of medical tourism.

    Violetta Janyshevska is an expert in building best strategy according to the last trends in inbound and outbound medical tourism in Ukraine.

    Author of numerous publications on medical tourism branch of Healthcare of Ukraine, specification of international medical relations, priority destinations and key drivers in inbound and outbound medical tourism in Ukraine, innovations and current trends in medicine,  healthy lifestyle etc.

Sajam 2018 u medijima:

Prednosti sudjelovanja

  1. 1

    Za generiranje prodaje.

    Izraditi čvrstu bazu potencijalnih klijenata.

  2. 2
    Kontakti s klijentima

    Mogućnost susretanja i miješanja s trenutnim i potencijalnim klijentima.

    Obavijestiti svoje klijente o vašim proizvodima.

    Za iskorištavanje vertikalno distribucijskog kanala, uz križanu prodaju.

    Na mišljenje klijenata platna.

    Za oporavak klijenata.

  3. 3
    Istraživanje sektora

    Testirati nove proizvode i usluge.
    Testirati nove marketinške kampanje.
    Testirati sliku i percepciju robne marke.

  4. 4
    Pozicioniranje brenda

    Stvoriti i ojačati svijest o brandu.
    Postavljanje i ponovno postavljanje robnih marki.
    Uspostaviti kontakt s investitorima.
    Razvijati nova tržišta.

  5. 5
    Distribucijski kanal

    Identificirati i privući nove partnere i distributere.
    Osigurati pokrivenost trenutnim distributerima.
    Izgraditi ugled kako bi osigurali buduće ugovore.

  6. 6

    Da bi otvorili kanale komunikacije s izdavačima i novinarima.
    Promicati objavljivanje vijesti o novim proizvodima i uslugama.
    Da bi se postigao utjecaj na opće medije.


Hrvatska gospodarska komora

Hrvatska turistička zajednica Splita i Dalmacije

Ministarstvo kulture i turizma

Doprinos od oko 32 ustanove, zaklade i udruženja

Studio Gorica


Mićunović Medical

Budite u stanju uhvatiti nove i profitabilne poslovne prilike za ubrzavanje poda i naći će šanse za ulazak na ta tržišta, nove proizvode i marketinške aktivnosti podrške.

“Mediteranien365” sajam zdravstvenog turizma organizirat će se pod pokroviteljstvom Republike Hrvatske. Uz potporu Turističke zajednice grada Splita, Ministarstva kulture i turizma kao i doprinosom od 32 Udruge. Održava se na Mediteranu, Split, Hrvatska i okupit će ključne organizacije i stručnjake strukturne transformacije sektora u zdravstvenoj industriji. Raspravljati će se o važnim pitanjima razvoja zdravstvenog turizma. Naši sudionici i industrija, u sektoru zdravstvenog turizma koji je jedan od najvećih i najpopularnijih tržišta u Europi, imaju pristup kontaktima koji oblikuju ovu industriju u Hrvatskoj i Mediteranu.